The Okaya Group
The Poland Tokai Okaya company is part of the Okaya Group, whose operations are global. The history of the Group begins in 1669, when Okaya Sosuke founded SASAYA, a metal goods store, in the city of Nagoya in Japan. The current form of ownership has been in operation since 1937.
The company’s development lasts from the seventeenth century to the present day. A significant impulse for the company’s expansion was the Meji revolution, which changed Japan into a modern state. At present, the Group consists of dozens of offices and subsidiaries scattered all over the world from Australia to Korea and from Brazil to Poland.

Okaya & Co., Ltd. is also one of the oldest corporations still operating in the world. Because of that fact it belongs to the elite Les Henokiens association, which brings together the world’s longest operating companies. More information on this topic can be found at:
Okaya jest obecnie zaangażowana w szerokie spektrum transakcji handlowych oraz przedsięwzięć produkcyjnych. Historia oraz główny obszar zainteresowań grupy wiąże ją silnie z rynkiem stali ale działalność obejmuje również takie produkty jak: chemikalia, żywność, maszyny i wiele, wiele innych.
Okaya is currently involved in a wide range of commercial transactions and production projects. The Group’s history and it’s main area of interest binds it strongly to the steel market, but it also works with products such as chemicals, food, machinery and many, many more. The company’s main goal is to be titled “Best Global Partner”, by addressing the needs of individual Contractors. All Okaya Group personnel make every effort to provide reliable solutions to all our Partners.